Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

The Economy- Where We Are and Where We Are Going.

October 24, 2022

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We live in a time of economic uncertainty. I explain our current environment and core issues like inflation, employment, interest rates, and what we are to make of all of this.

The Role of Government in the Economy

At the core of this episode is the role of government in the economy. If you believe, as I do, that our government should be limited to the scope outlined in the Constitution, you are concerned our government and its efforts to redistribute wealth through initiatives like the student loan forgiveness executive order recently executed by the Biden administration. Shrinking government should be our priority, but it doesn’t appear to have sufficient political traction.

Personal Economics

I also discuss practical, biblical instruction on personal economics and how we are to live in financial terms. Planning and budgeting play important roles, and I discuss my thoughts on this from my years of banking experience. I also share some practical tools your family can use to shop interest rates and other financial services and products. I even explain how you can become a millionaire!

I compare this environment to the Jimmy Carter presidency in terms of interest rates and economic confidence. “You might not be feeling it yet, but the middle class is hurting and going to hurt for some time in this country.”

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“We live in a time of economic uncertainty.  I explain our current economic environment and core issues like inflation, employment, interest rates, and what we are to make of all this.”
John Warren

The post The Economy- Where We Are and Where We Are Going. first appeared on John Warren Media.
