Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

We Have Bold Access to God

September 21, 2024


▼ Show Notes

The challenges Paul encountered in the church are similar to our problems today. There is much we can learn from his efforts to correct the churches. We have reached chapter three of Paul’s epistle to the church at Ephesus.

Imprisoned Because of the Gospel

Paul begins with the declaration that he is imprisoned because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He calls himself a steward of God’s grace. He declares that the mystery of the Gospel going to the gentiles has been revealed to him.

Paul declares that God’s grace is a gift given by God. He expresses humility be calling himself the least of all of the saints. This isn’t feigned humility or hyperbole. Paul consistently communicates humility and gentleness even in his writing to correct issues or clarify doctrine in his letters to the churches.

Heading 3 

Paul says that we have boldness and access with confidence through our faith in Him. He discusses this glorious truth in the context of God’s grace. God’s grace enables us to access Him with confidence.

I’m often amazed that Paul, who is in prison, is writing to free people in the church to encourage them. We don’t operate this way very often. There is no self-pity going on in Paul’s life. He focuses on what we have as believers in Jesus Christ our Lord. Paul is urging his readers to have boldness and confidence even during his imprisonment.

Paul prays for the church that they will be grounded in love and that they will know the love of Christ. He prays that they will be strengthened with power. He prays that they may know God. And he closes with a beautiful doxology declaring that God is able to do far more than we ask or think. I aspire to live in the context of this doxology. Praise God for His faithfulness. May this cause us to have confidence and boldness in Him!

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” Ephesians 3.  The challenges Paul encountered in the church are similar to our problems today.”
John Warren