Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

Is School Choice Legislation Good or Bad

August 17, 2024


▼ Show Notes

Well intended organizations and individuals have supported school choice legislation in recent years. My home state, Florida, and many other states have approved legislation that is apparently intended to make education funding portable on a family by family basis. This year, the Florida Legislature approved a bill that allows even homeschool families to receive funding for their students’ education.

Risks for Christian Schools

In this episode, I examine the economy, the funding of education, and the risks that school choice poses for Christian schools in particular. Government funding almost always comes with stipulations, and those include entanglement with government non-discrimination requirements.  Much like various government loan programs that now discriminate against organizations with clear Christian values in their corporate articles and by-laws, I am concerned that states will begin discriminating against Christian schools who have biblical standards included in their hiring and admissions processes.


My hope is that this episode will prompt nuanced thinking on this complex topic. Good intentions only go so far, and this legislation contains elements that are fraught with risk. Private entities should avoid entanglement with government to the extent possible. This topic requires careful consideration with discernment.

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“In this episode, I examine the economy, the funding of education, and the risks that school choice poses for Christian schools in particular.”
John Warren