Relentless Truth with John Warren

Relentless Truth with John Warren

We Are Delivered

July 13, 2024


▼ Show Notes

We are to imitate Paul as he imitates Christ. Paul wasn’t perfect, and he had regrets. But throughout his ministry, he often did the right thing and didn’t hold back when he ministered to people. We sometimes don’t say that next thing. We often hold back for a variety of reasons. I make excuses ranging from ‘they will think poorly of me’ to ‘that’s not important.’

Ministry to Others

Through a tragic local death, I’m struck by the fact that we don’t really know what others we encounter are going through. I want my life to be characterized by love and gentleness with others – care for people I encounter. My pride is often the reason I’m not generous with care for others.

In our passage in Colossians this week, we again encounter the word “to know” or “knowledge.” This word is ginosko, and it has the idea of deep understanding and even intimacy. We know first academically, then with understanding, and still further, with depth and intimacy.

Delivery From Sin

I explain our delivery in this episode. Paul discusses the beauty of our delivery from sin. He explains our redemption – our being purchased like the purchase of a slave’s freedom.

Paul begins to develop his teaching on Christology in this section. He explains that Jesus Christ holds all things together, and He is the head of the body. He is preeminent. He is the fulness of God. He made our peace by the blood of His cross. This violent, horrible death on the cross made peace with God. This is our reconciliation. We can rest and rejoice in Him! We are truly delivered!

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“Paul discusses the beauty of our delivery from sin, our redemption and our purchase from sin by Jesus Christ.”
John Warren