Latest Episodes

Canada’s Hollywood: The Dream of a Canadian Film Industry – Part 1
October 25, 2023

In this episode, I will be talking about the beginnings of the feature film industry in Canada.To do this, I will be using as a reference, a book called Canada's Hollywood, by Ted Magder.In part 1, we start off by describing the background of the

Movie Wars: How Hollywood And The Media Conspire To Limit The Films We Can See
July 30, 2023

In this episode, we have an interview with American film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum about his book: Movies Wars: How Hollywood and the media conspire to limit the films we can see. The book deals with the dominance of Hollywood and the mainstream media i

The Multiplex Episode – Great Film Recommendations You Need To Know Now
May 28, 2023

In this multiplex episode, we have recommendations for people looking for above average film criticism and fascinating movie books. We also have a short discussion about the Canadian Cooperation Project and some Hollywood news. Critic Recommendatio

Budge Crawley – What Happened to Canada’s King of Film?
April 20, 2023

In this episode, I have an interview with the author Barbara Wade Rose, who wrote a biography about Canadian filmmaker Budge Crawley called "Budge: What happened to Canada's king of film".Budge Crawley was a pioneer Canadian independent filmmaker who

Money Is The Real Star – The Business History Of Hollywood – Part 2
March 22, 2023

We continue and finish our talk about the early history of Hollywood. But not the history of movie stars or movies, but the history of film from the very practical point of view of business. How did Hollywood make its money? Listen and find out.

Money Is The Real Star – The Business History Of Hollywood – Part 1
March 22, 2023

We talk about the early history of Hollywood. But not the history of movie stars or movies, but the history of film from the very practical point of view of business. How did Hollywood make its money? Listen and find out.

Forgotten Canadian Pioneers That Hollywood Needs To Thank
March 22, 2023

In episode 5, we talk about Canadians who moved to Hollywood in the early days. That is to say Canadians who, instead of working in Canadian movies, such as they were then, decided to go to Hollywood

Hustlers, Traitors And Dreamers – The Curious Story Of Movies In Canada – Part 4
March 22, 2023

In this episode, we conclude talking about the early days of Canadian film using the book "Embattled Shadows" by Peter Morris. We hear the final thoughts from Peter Morris, and then I give my opinion about Morris's take on early Canadian film.

Hustlers, Traitors And Dreamers – The Curious Story Of Movies In Canada – Part 3
March 22, 2023

In part 3 of the early days of Canadian movies,we talk about Hollywood's monopoly and domination in Canada. We also talk about ASN studios in Montreal, which was the only positive thing in Canadian movies at that time.Here is a link to the ASN's Canadi

Hustlers, Traitors And Dreamers – The Curious Story Of Movies In Canada – Part 2
March 22, 2023

In this episode,we continue to discuss the early history of Canadian film based on the book by Peter Morris. We learn about a movie promoter called Ernest Shipman and also about the Motion Picture Bureau of Canada.