Upper Middlebrow

Latest Episodes
Episode 76: Philip Marlow in Space or James S.A. Corey’s Leviathan Wakes Part 1
Leviathan Wakes is cracking good solar system space opera, combined with very strong elements of noir. The lads think that at moments, the prose is reminiscent of Raymond Chandlers lyrical voice, but
Episode 75: “It Was Capitalism All Along!” or China Miéville’s The City and The City, Part II
The lads continue to admire China Miville's genius premise for this novel, but will the second half of the book escape the issues we've seen in the noir and noir-adjacent works the UMBers have read?
Episode 74: “Our Robot Friends (and Enemies),” with Leah Jones
We invite podcast buddy Leah Jones from Finding Favorites to follow up on a recommendation she made to Dukes last year: to watch the film M3gan. We thought it would be fun to talk about films and book
Episode 73: “Crosshatched,” or China Mieville’s The City and the City Part I
The City and the City has a wholly original premise, and the pleasure of the book comes from the dawning realization of exactly what is going on between the two adjacent cities, Besel and Ul Quma. Ch
Episode 72: “Red Herringfest?” or Dashiell Hammett’s Red Harvest
The boys hop to it, chum, and talk about Dashiell Hammett's 1929 debut novel Red Harvest. While the socialist connotations of the title never truly materialize ("Communism was a red herring"), leaving
Episode # 71 The Night of a Thousand Crimes, or Raymond Chandler’s “The Long Goodbye” Part II.
Dukes and Bagg were both a little disappointed with how LONG the second half of The Long Goodbye is, with a rather Byzantine and confusing series of plot machinations that only slightly support the en
Episode 69: “A Surfeit of Injustice,” or Raymond Chandler’s The Long Goodbye, Part I
The lads kick off this series of Chris' called "Relativistic Noir" with Raymond Chandler's remarkable 1959 The Long Goodbye. Both Chris and Jesse are rendered somewhat slack-jawed at the sheer audacit
Episode 68: “From Fiends to Friends,” or Gary Shteyngart’s Our Country Friends, Part II
Gary Shteyngarts overtly Chekhovian novel ends in a distinctly nonChekhovian manner, with hope. However, the hope is dearly earned, as one of the country friends sadly does not survive the second ha
Episode 67: Revenge of the Jock-Nerds (Season 3 DRAFT)
With a small but loyal Zoom audience, Dukes and Bagg propose TWELVE new series, and pick five, including a LISTENER'S CHOICE series. Throughout, they kibbitz, lobby, and respond to chatted questions f
Episode 66: “Russia With Love (Nesting Dolls),” or Gary Shteyngart’s Our Country Friends Part I
Gary Schteyngarts 2021 pandemic novel is overtly Chekhovian, and the lads love it. A group of friends and family gather in the Hudson valley during the 2020 pandemic leading to betrayals, love triang