The Rising Leader

The Rising Leader

The AA 10th Step For When You Screw Up

April 05, 2023

I do everything I can to be the best person I can be. I meditate, journal, and go to workshops, all to cultivate love and kindness in my heart and to be honest, fair, and supportive toward others. But, despite everything I do, I remain human—and being human means, I still screw up. I still let people down, hurt them, or even gossip. And at work—with all the ambition, pressure, and anxiety—it’s especially easy to screw up and neglect our emotional intelligence. Does this sound like you, too? Luckily, there’s a remedy.


In this episode, I discuss Alcoholics Anonymous’ 10th Step—also known as the Personal Inventory—and what it teaches about what to do when we screw up. I also highlight the inevitability of making mistakes and share some instances in my life where I screwed up, let someone down, and took responsibility for it.


“You can’t be perfect. You’re going to screw up. Expect it, and know that you can fix it. So go forth, go live your life and, if you screw up, fix it.” - Mark Silverman


This week on The Rising Leader Podcast:


     Imperfection and trying to be the best version of ourselves

●     Why letting people down is inevitable

●     AA’s 10th Step and how to make things right after screwing up


Grab Your FREE Copy: Only 10s Book


Are you a busy executive or organizational leader? Do you regularly feel overwhelmed by your to-do list or constantly feel like you’re putting out fires instead of getting the right things done?


Then, friend, you must grab a free copy of my bestselling book, Only 10s: Using Distraction to Get the Right Things Done. This free copy is currently available to all U.S. residents.


It’s time to get things off your to-do list and focus on the things that are important to you each day.


To grab your free copy of Only 10s, visit


Leader, It’s Time to Rise!


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