The Rising Leader

The Rising Leader

Intuition, Health, and Leadership with Jefferson K. Rogers

February 22, 2023

Jefferson K. Rogers is a keynote speaker and the founder and CEO of JKR Windows. Through innovative leadership and the creation of highly motivated sales teams, Jefferson has led JKR Windows to grow exponentially in record time, generating $40 million in revenue within the first five years of operation. In addition to his work at JKR Windows, Jefferson helps other entrepreneurs and business owners scale their companies by mastering leadership. His book, All In: Get Unstuck and Accelerate Further, Faster, will be available in the spring of 2023.


Jefferson joins me today to describe his long road from addiction to sobriety and building a company. He reveals what he has learned from starting a business and identifies what excellent leaders have in common. He explains the dangers of being emotionally reactive as a leader and highlights the importance of connecting with your feelings and intuition. Jefferson also underscores the role of health and longevity in leadership and the importance of celebrating your wins in life.


“If you don’t have health and longevity, you can’t operate. Whether you’re a sales leader, entrepreneur, or department manager, you need to show up for your people with energy and enthusiasm.” - Jefferson K. Rogers


This week on The Rising Leader Podcast:


●     Learning the right way to deal with people who are at different stages of their lives and careers

●     Jefferson’s self-discovery work and how he learned to cultivate a healthy company culture

●     How working with different mentors and coaches helped Jefferson become a better leader

●     Absolute must-reads for beginners in leadership development

●     How Jefferson maintains balance and harmony between his family, health, and business

●     Why he decided to delve deeper into the more technical aspects of his company

●     Understanding the difference between “important” and “urgent” matters

●     The power of being present and the role of health and longevity in leadership

●     The value of celebrating your wins and progress

●     My realizations from turning 60 years old

●     Changing lives and what inspired Jefferson to write All In


Resources Mentioned:


●     Book: The 5 Levels of Leadership (10th Anniversary Edition): Proven Steps to Maximize Your Potential by John Maxwell

●     Book: How to Win Friends & Influence People: The Only Book You Need to Lead You to Success by Dale Carnegie

●     Book: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

●     Book: Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box by The Arbinger Institute


Connect with Jefferson K. Rogers:


●     Jefferson K. Rogers Website

●     JKR Windows

●     JKR Windows on LinkedIn

●     Jefferson K. Rogers on LinkedIn

●     Jefferson K. Rogers on Instagram


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Leader, It’s Time to Rise!


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