The Rising Leader

The Rising Leader

Welcome to the Rising Leader Podcast

January 03, 2023

Welcome to the Rising Leader Podcast.


Leadership is a learned skill and learning is never-ending. “What got you here won’t get you where you want to go,” is an uncomfortable truth Fast Rising High Achievers run into at every level of their career. In fact, what got you here won’t even help you do your new job effectively.

Every step up the ladder requires a new level of leadership and “people skills.” Because “people” are now your job.

This podcast is here to help you master skills on four fronts on your way to the senior leadership team.

LEADING UP – You are now a trusted advisor. That means you are a sounding board, speak truth to power, and help your CEO get their job done, all while getting your job done.

LEADING ACROSS – You are peers are the power players in the organization. This is the team you are on. Your job is to lead from within that team while being a part of it. You are now a student of the Art of Co-opetition.

LEADING YOUR TEAM – You’ve spent a career honing your leadership skills and now have even less direct impact on how things get done. Your success will only come from your team’s success.

LEADING YOURSELF – Relentless pressure, ambition, burnout, sleepless nights, and resentments, are the price you may be paying for your lofty position. Mastering your emotions, perspective, health, and relationships are essential to make this fun and sustainable.

The conversations, resources, and subject matter experts we will have is designed to help you “level up” in all four of these focus areas. Each week we will tackle a topic that will move you forward in your relationships with your boss, your peers, your team, and yourself. You will be armed with tools and insights you will use throughout your career and in your personal life.

For more visit Mark J. Silverman's website.