The Rising Leader

The Rising Leader

Mastering Difficult Conversations with Gene and Amanda Hammett

September 25, 2024


Today's episode dives into a topic near and dear to my heart: having difficult conversations. If you've been following me for a while, you know that every conversation we avoid is a missed opportunity for leadership and growth. Tim Ferriss famously says, "Everything you want is on the other side of a difficult conversation," and today, we're exploring that idea in depth. Joining me are Gene and Amanda Hammett, who are experts in leadership development and executive team alignment. Together, they’ve authored “How to Have Tough Conversations: The Framework for Great Leaders to Say What Needs to Be Said When the Pressure is On.”


Gene Hammett is a leading authority on executive team alignment and high-growth leadership, having generated over $40 million in revenue across his ventures. He's also the host of the Growth Think Tank podcast and has interviewed over 730 CEOs to uncover the core principles of fast growth. Amanda Hammett, co-founder and CEO of Core Elevation, is globally recognized in leadership development and next-generation talent retention. She advises top executives and founders on transforming organizations and has co-created the Leadership OnRamp program, which helps companies develop managers into leaders during periods of hyper-growth.



"There are a lot of books out there talking about how you need to have tough conversations, but the feedback we were getting for years was, 'We need that step-by-step.'"

~Amanda Hammett



Today on The Rising Leader:


·     Types of Tough Conversations: Everything from performance issues to personal hygiene can necessitate a tough conversation.

·     Epidemic of Avoiding Conflict: Many leaders avoid difficult conversations, leading to costly consequences, both personally and financially.

·     The Four Phases: Understand and clarify, name the pattern, be direct, and, if necessary, exit.

·     Personality Considerations: Different personality types need different approaches for having tough conversations effectively.

·     The Magic Question: "What is the missing conversation that you haven't had yet?" This question helps shift from victimhood to solution-oriented thinking.

·     Emotional Regulation: Knowing how to manage your emotions is crucial for effective leadership and communication.

·     Presence is Essential: Being fully present during tough conversations shows respect and helps build a genuine relationship.

·     Learnable Skills: These conversation techniques are not innate; they can be learned and practiced.


Resources Mentioned:








   How to Have Tough Conversations


   Gene Hammett’s Podcast:


   Growth Think Tank




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