

Christmas Hauntings in England

December 19, 2023

Episode 26: Christmas Hauntings in England

When I hear the words ‘ghost’ and ‘Christmas,’ I automatically think about my favorite Christmas story, A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens and Scrooge’s nightmare evening of being visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future. But did you know other Christmas ghost stories aren’t so full of hope and the spirit of the season? You may not since hauntings are far from most people’s minds during Christmas.

Some creepy paranormal occurrences tied to Christmas revolve around certain places that, for one reason or another, become haunted at Christmas time and have been so for a long time. England has several such hauntings. Today, we are traveling across the Pond to the shores of the United Kingdom.


New Release by Mary Ann Poll

Welcome to Andalusia Forest, a theme park that once bustled with excitement but now lies abandoned, steeped in mysterious legends and tales of hauntings. This once-beloved destination is still imbued with a captivating allure, a magnet for both treasure seekers and the curious. In this intriguing setting, a tenacious ghost hunter, Chloe Melbourne, teams up with the adventurous Iconoclast trio of Kat, Ken, and Bart. What starts as a straightforward mission to locate a missing friend quickly becomes an exploration of the forest's deeper secrets. No longer home to the whimsical creatures that once danced in the minds of its audience, Andalusia Forest reveals chilling truths hidden in its shadows. Why not embark on this exciting journey? The gates are open for those willing to venture into the unknown. You're invited to discover the enigmatic entities that inhabit these haunting woods. With a balanced blend of whimsy and reality, the tale of Andalusia Forest offers a thrilling yet measured experience. So, take a bold step, and let the answers reveal themselves through your exploration. Andalusia Forest awaits. Will you heed the call?


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Meet Mary Ann Poll, your host for Episode 26: Christmas Hauntings in England
Mary Ann Poll is the author of five Supernatural Thriller novels, Ravens Cove, Ingress, Gorgon, Dullahan, and Andalusia Forest.

Sign up to subscribe for free information about upcoming events at and check out her podcast Real Ghost Chatter.
