The Fabric

The Fabric

Jeffrey Cole, CEO & Founder of Hidden Level | Episode 1

November 16, 2022

For our first episode, I had the privilege of speaking with Jeff Cole, who shared his entrepreneurial journey and his poignant learnings to date. Jeff is the co-founder and CEO of Hidden Level, an inspiring startup that is revolutionizing low altitude detection with its Airspace Monitoring Service (or AMS). AMS is a cost-effective and scalable solution for the incredibly complex challenge of high-resolution low-altitude detection for drones and other flying objects. It’s a passive detection methodology with unrivaled resolution and ease of use, and a foundation enabler for drone delivery, eVTOL, and urban air mobility. In addition to sharing what he sees as the future for these novel services, Jeff also shares his learnings about the importance of partnering, board construction and management, and workplace transparency. 

I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did!