Meeples And Wine - Tabletop Games for Couples

Meeples And Wine - Tabletop Games for Couples

Smash Up! and the Whiskey Smash Cocktail

February 17, 2025

Welcome to episode 80! This time around we’re playing the deck-drafting game Smash Up! by Alderac Entertainment Group. This 2-4 player game pits all the teams that you’ve wanted to see fighting against each other to lay claim to bases to score 15 victory points to win. Have you ever wanted to play Zombie Truckers, Kung-Fu Sheep, or Robot 70’s Vigilantes? All possible in Smash Up!

This episode we’re also not tasting a wine, but a cocktail, the Whiskey Smash (see the connection?) This simple cocktail with only a few ingredients, whiskey, lemon juice, simple syrup and mint. It’s easy to make and has a nice sweet/sour flavor that goes well with just chilling out and playing your favorite game.

The Kickstarter last call is the Fallen London RPG based off the long running online text-based game of the same name. Venture into the world of Fallen London, which now sits at the bottom of a miles deep chasm, where demons and monsters dwell.

We also have an actual voicemail line now! Call us at 707-572-5282 and leave us a message!

If you’ve got a game that you’d like us to demo get in touch at, at our Twitter (@Meeplesandwine) or Facebook or if you’d like to leave us a voicemail you can go to!

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