Qonversations: Powered by Quantuvos

Qonversations: Powered by Quantuvos

024: Working with Polarities

April 05, 2023

All too often, we try to problem-solve by focusing on one side of the equation. Perhaps the challenge is being too directive, so we try to solve for “how can I be less directive.” The foundation of working with polarities is a recognition that there is a positive side to what is being identified as the problem; for example, being “directive” helps to ensure that the task is completed as needed. It is also acknowledging that there is an alternative pole that has its positive; for example, the other pole for “directive” might be “easy going.” In this episode, Quantuvos coach Cliff Kayser joins host Brian Gorman to discuss ways in which we can identify and then work with polarities to address the challenges that we and members of our teams face.