Make it Inevitable
When Losing Yourself is a Good Thing, and How to Allow it to Unfold
In this episode, I’m talking about when losing ourselves is a good thing and how we can allow that process to unfold in beautiful and productive ways. This requires a great deal of self-trust and discernment because losing ourselves usually isn’t healthy or ideal, and more often than not, it happens when we’ve fallen out of alignment with the truth of who we are. Today’s conversation is about deepening into way of being work by consciously choosing to lose ourselves to become more of who we’re here to be so that we can have (and hold onto) our big, seemingly impossible desires.
Work through Actualize to come back into alignment with yourself.
To get the most out of this episode, be sure to listen to our past episodes on self-trust, surrender, and the methodology for making the impossible inevitable.
Learn more and grab our actionable free workbooks here.
What to listen for:
- The many times I’ve struggled with losing myself
- Romantic relationships often took me away from my truth
- How we realign with ourselves when we get lost
- Losing myself, my life, and my business
- What if losing yourself was a good thing?
- Meeting my life partner meant losing myself
“I’m no longer solo Stephenie living her solo life. I’m no longer doing this alone. I’m choosing to enter a partnership knowing full well that I will lose myself. That’s what I’m choosing. And there was this powerful reframing that had to happen to stop assigning negative meaning to the idea of losing myself. And to really understand this thing that my coach had said to me many, many months prior of, ‘What if it was a good thing to lose yourself?’”
- Healthy partnership felt impossible to me for a long time
- Living the methodology for making the impossible inevitable
- We have to be willing to lose ourselves and aspects of our lives
- Alignment is the difference between positive and negative
“We have to be willing to lose our sense of self, our way of being that has gotten us this far, our subconscious strategies for success. We have to be willing to lose ourselves in that way, to let go of the path we were on, the life we were building, the things we were creating to go through a death and rebirth and be transformed into what’s next.”
- Big evolutions require loss and letting go
- Living fully aligned creates resonance with the right things
- Discernment requires deeper healing and growth work
- This is next-level way of being work
- The power of consciously choosing death and rebirth
The post When Losing Yourself is a Good Thing, and How to Allow it to Unfold appeared first on Choose Your Calling.