Make it Inevitable

Make it Inevitable

Strategies to Stop Self-Sabotage and Live a Life Without Limits

April 18, 2023
“You have to be decided that what you want is happening.”

In this special episode, I’m sharing a training I recently did for the Life Without Limits online event where I go deeper into understanding your winning strategy to stop self-sabotage. Our subconscious winning strategy is something that we talk about a lot on this show because without understanding how it drives you, you can’t create the leverage you need to live your fullest expression. One of the things I include in all of my one-on-one coaching work is a Way of Being Blueprint™ that helps clients with more than just what to do, instead giving them a clear guide for how to be the person who has what they desire. In this episode, you’ll be able to move through a bit of this process with me so that you can start living a life without limits.

Listen to our episode on understanding your subconscious winning strategy.

Get my book, What Really Happened?, to break the cycle of interpretation.

Learn more and grab our actionable Terror Barrier workbook here.

What to listen for:

  • What is a subconscious winning strategy?

  • The double-edged sword of our strategies for success

  • How to begin making truly aligned and conscious choices

  • The process for breaking free from self-sabotage

  • Our core wounding is the key to unlocking freedom

“Once you know what your core wound is, what is the set of emotions that you seek to avoid at all cost because feeling them is so painful to you? Once you know what that is, then you can reverse engineer. What do you seek to feel instead? If I feel chosen and adored, special and unique, it cannot also be true that I am unlovable and damaged and broken.

  • Tracking your interactions to get a sense of your strategy

  • The methodology for making the impossible inevitable

  • Stepping outside of your subconscious beliefs

  • Trauma and childhood are one and the same

  • How systems limit our ability to create what we desire

Immediately, as soon as we claim what we want, we’re likely to hit subconscious stoppers. But they will continue to come up and you have to work with them, you have to work on them. This means process work, healing, and clearing what’s been stored in your body and your cells so that you’re free to move forward.”

  • The energetics of decision to shift the odds in your favor

  • Becoming a clearing for what we want to come through

  • Letting go of interpretation and why it’s essential

  • Crafting a Way of Being Blueprint™ of your own

The post Strategies to Stop Self-Sabotage and Live a Life Without Limits appeared first on Choose Your Calling.