Make it Inevitable

Make it Inevitable

How to Stay in Motion When Things Get Hard or Stalled Out

March 14, 2023
“If you step backward, slip up, or throw your hands in the air—give yourself grace.”

In this episode, I’m talking about how we stay in motion when things get hard or don’t go how we want them to. When we’re moving towards big, seemingly impossible goals and desires, it’s nearly unavoidable to have these periods where things become challenging, don’t go the way we want, or move in a far from smooth and seamless manner! We must learn to normalize this process and move through these periods of frustration; otherwise, we’ll revert to our subconscious winning strategy and keep what we truly want perpetually out of reach.

Grab a copy of my book, What Really Happened?, to break free from the cycle of interpretation so you have more leverage to create what you want.

Listen to my episode, Learning to Let Life Support You With Four Critical Types of Trust, to build the necessary trust muscles for these challenging seasons.

Get more options for listening and grab our free workbooks here.

What to listen for:

  • The first step is to normalize this process in our minds

  • Remembering that there’s always tension in growth

  • Questions to help you navigate the challenging periods

  • How to avoid activating our subconscious winning strategy

  • Staying plugged into our desires to keep ourselves in motion

It’s really important that you notice the stories you tell, and part of the way that we combat stories surfacing at all is by going into it knowing that challenges might be a part of the process. Things might not always go the way that you want them to. That’s okay. That’s normal. It doesn’t mean anything other than right now it’s challenging.”

“There are times that our subconscious wins. Sometimes we’re just tired, and our willpower is overextended. Give yourself grace. If you step backward, slip up, or throw your hands in the air—give yourself grace. Understand that this might happen and normalize it. What matters is that you stay in motion. And sometimes being in motion looks like quitting and giving up.

  • Practicing self-care and self-love toward yourself

  • Making the impossible inevitable doesn’t require perfection

  • Staying persistent with our purpose and why that matters

  • Going against our subconscious programming

  • Healing our trauma, so we’re able to stop interpretations

“Change requires you being someone different, being someone who engages with the world in a whole new way that’s all new and unfamiliar. These are actively going against our subconscious programming. We need support, whatever that support looks like. And it must be clean support. It must be unbiased support, that helps facilitate that internal process of plugging back into what’s important to you.

  • Subconscious stoppers revealing themselves is a gift

  • Stepping into new, aligned ways of being

  • You’re not broken or incapable, so let that story go

The post How to Stay in Motion When Things Get Hard or Stalled Out appeared first on Choose Your Calling.