Money Is Emotional

Money Is Emotional

Comparison, Envy, and Contentment (Ep.57)

February 19, 2025

If we know that comparison has the tendency to make us feel bad, why do we do it?

Let’s unpack it together.

On this episode, Financial Dignity® Coach, Christian Luken revisits one of her favorite books called Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown. She shares insights on comparison, envy, and contentment and how they relate to financial matters.

Christine’s top takeaways:

  • Comparison is not an emotion but rather an activity that leads to all kinds of emotions.
  • You feel jealous when someone is pulling away from you.
  • We feel envious when we want something another person has and we don’t want them to have it.
  • Healthy desire pulls us forward into a more expansive future.
  • If you are not feeling content, intentionally practicing gratitude is the antidote.


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00:00 – Intro

02:04 – Comparison itself is not an emotion.

05:36 – Why I didn’t use the term jealousy in the title of this episode?

08:52 – Why envy feels more devious than jealousy?

14:37 – How society has conditioned women to put their desires as secondary.

22:30 – What is contentment?

27:41 – Why I implemented a gratitude practice during the worst year of my life?
