

What is Biographicon?

November 21, 2022

"By separating into one biographicon this peculiar class of lives, a philanthropic emulation would be excited, a debt of social gratitude would be discharged, a trophy to patriotism would be erected, and an instructive knowledge of the present state of nations and the gradual concatenation of intercourse would be diffused. Literature should rear altars to the missionaries of human civilization."

- [William Taylor of Norwich] The Monthly Review: or Literary Journal, 74 (1814).

Welcome to Biographicon. In this trailer, I introduce myself and the cast of characters that will appear in the upcoming Biographicon podcasts, which will feature a host of people who went from 18th century fame to 21st century obscurity. Hopefully this will return them to their rightful place in memory.

But what is a biographicon anyway?