Experimental Brewing

Experimental Brewing

Episode 201 – You Can Go Home Again

September 03, 2024

Denny went back home to Newtown Iowa for the first time in decades and wouldn’t you know it, there was a brewery there! Denny sat down with Joe Kesteloot, head brewer of Gezellig Brewing. Denny even found a hazy that he liked!

Episode Links:

Episode Contents:

00:00:00 Opening & Our Sponsors

00:02:00 Announcements & Feedback

00:05:23 The Pub

00:18:14 The Brewery

00:30:07 The Lounge – Joe Kesteloot – Gezellig Brewing

01:01:16 Quick Tip & Something Other

This episode is brought to you by:

​Jaded Brewing

Wyeast Labs

​YCH Hops

Interested in helping Denny and Drew with the IGOR program (aka help us run experiments!) – contact them at igor@experimentalbrew.com. We want more Citizen Science!

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