Farm Commons

Farm Commons

Episode 63: Income Protection for Foraging Farmers

May 08, 2023

While federal crop insurance programs generally do not provide coverage for wild-crafted products that farmers might sell alongside their cultivated crops, farmer-foragers still have options to protect their income from foraged goods. In this episode Bonita and Kate share feedback from herbalists and farmers from across the nation about legal tools and strategies, including the use of sales contracts, for supporting and even expanding their income from foraged goods.

This episode builds on the legal background of the Micro Farm policy and Whole Farm Revenue Protection crop insurance program shared in Episode 50: Protecting Your Foraged and Wild Foods Revenue.

For a full transcript of this episode, please click here.

Additional resources:

Farm Sales Agreement Basics

This material is funded in partnership by USDA, Risk Management Agency, under award number RMA22CPT0012392.