Farm Commons

Episode 44: Farmland Leasing 101
Leasing farmland is exciting. Getting onto farmland to begin or expand your farm business is a significant opportunity. However, the actual leasing process can be a bear — but it doesn’t have to be. In this episode, staff attorney Sarah Vaile breaks down what a lease is, how it functions, and the creative power you have to shape how it works. We also dive into New Hampshire farmland leasing laws as an example of how state law applies. Farmers and ranchers in all 50 states will walk away from this podcast with a greater understanding of the legal mechanics for farmland leasing, whether for the short term or the long haul.
Recommended resources:
- Checklist of questions to address in your farm lease
- Sample Annotated Long-Term Agroforestry Lease Agreement (useful for short term leases too!)