Farm Commons

Episode 32: Three Steps Towards Legal Resilience During COVID-19
In this episode, we cover three key strategies for managing the risks of contracting COVID-19 in the course of your farm business. As folks move indoors this winter and gather for holiday festivities, the likelihood of COVID cases increasing is high. If you haven’t gotten COVID yourself, you might know someone who did, and there’s of course the risk of you getting it as the days go on and the case numbers rise. To help you manage that risk, we offer key information about disability insurance and workers’ compensation options for covering lost wages and doctors visits if you’ve been exposed to or contract COVID. You’ll also learn about key considerations, both moral and legal, for operating your farm business with the knowledge that you’ve been exposed or have COVID but are asymptomatic. Don’t worry, we share good news too that we think will put your mind, at least part of it, at ease. Keep hanging in there!
“Podcast intro” from Royalty Free by Kevin MacLeod. Released: 2020.