Farm Commons

Episode 31: CFAP 2 Hightlights
In this episode, Rich Lavigne, FC’s Staff Attorney for Special Projects, shares key highlights of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program round 2 of funding. Hint: more specialty crops and farm products are eligible for COVID relief payments! Tune in to learn how payments are structured and how this might be a useful support to pursue for your farm business.
The deadline to apply for CFAP 2 is December 11th, 2020. If you’re interested in applying, tune in now and get your paperwork ready! Also be sure to attend Rich’s indepth free webinar on CFAP 2 Thursday November 12th, 2020 at 3:00pm CDT/4:00pm EST.
“Podcast intro” from Royalty Free by Kevin MacLeod. Released: 2020.