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NOCTURNAL Episode #38
March 29, 2022

San Francisco Police Chief Amy Zou is on her way to see Rex Deprovdechuk, who is at Zous house where her husband and two children are held captive. Zou has been instructed to tell no one if she ever wants to see her family again. Meanwhile, street bum

NOCTURNAL Episode #37
March 28, 2022

San Francisco Chief of Police Amy Zou once took Jebediah Erickson off the streets; then, when she learned of the carnage that act created, she was responsible for the cover-up that got him out of the asylum. Now her 30-year involvement with Savior is abou

NOCTURNAL Episode #36
March 27, 2022

Aggie James was kidnapped from the streets of San Francisco, held captive in the White Dungeon, and forced to watch horrible things. Hillary, one of Maries Children, promised Aggie a means of escape: in this episode, we learn the price of that promise. B

NOCTURNAL Episode #35
March 26, 2022

Weve seen Rex change from a bullying victim, the smallest and weakest kid in school, into a dealer of death, a leader, and the chosen one of Maries People. For nearly two centuries, his people have lived in fear of extinction, lived like insects in the

NOCTURNAL Episode #34
March 25, 2022

Bryan knows of his connection to Maries Children, but he still doesnt have any real answers. There is one place he knows he can get them: from Saviors weapons maker, the grandfather/grandson team of Jebediah and Adam Jessup. Rex Deprovdechuk has taken

NOCTURNAL Episode #33
March 24, 2022

Rex Deprovdechuck is the chosen one, the King, or so he is told by his new friends Sly, Pierre, Sir Voh, and Fort. They have taken Rex to a tunnel complex below the streets of San Francisco and are about to introduce him to his true people Maries Chi

NOCTURNAL Episode #32
March 23, 2022

Aggie James hopes to escape the nightmare factory far below the streets of San Francisco. Hillary, one of his captors, has promised him a way out. To let Aggie know the cost of failure, she showed him the bloated obscenity known as “Mommy.” Aggie watched

NOCTURNAL Episode #31
March 22, 2022

Rex Deprovdechuk spent his entire short life being ostracized, bullied, and alone. Now, he has new friends, friends that call him King, and they are taking him deeper into the caverns beneath San Francisco to see his “Kingdom” for the first time. Aggie Ja

NOCTURNAL Episode #30
March 21, 2022

The genetic test results are back for Bryan and Erickson, and the news isnt good. Black Mister Burns analysis on the San Francisco murder rate makes for more bad tidings. And in the White Dungeon, Aggies new cellmate, Alex Panos, is heading for a nasty

NOCTURNAL Episode #29
March 20, 2022

The melee at Saviors house left Bryan and Erickson both wounded. Erickson is in the ICU, but Bryan is not is what Bryan fears might be happening to him actually happening? San Francisco Chief of Police Amy Zou and Polyester Rich Verde visited Erickson