Lykken on Lending

Lykken on Lending

Latest Episodes

1-6-20 Lykken on Lending Weekly Updates: Joe, Alice, Allen, Andy, Les and Rob
January 06, 2020

The first half of the Lykken on Lending program will feature our Weekly Updates: we’ve got Rob VanRaaphorst with his MBA Mortgage Minute, and then Les Parker’s TMSpotlight, a macroeconomic perspective on the economy with a music parody. That leads to Joe

1-6-20 Using Social Media Video to Become An Expert Authority In Your Space
January 06, 2020

In today’s Hot Topic we have Krista Mashore, a coach, author, trainer, speaker and broker who will share various ideas on growing your mortgage company by establishing yourself as an authority and expert! Krista has developed a highly successful real est

Weekly Mortgage Market Updates
July 06, 2009

Mortgage industry veteran, David Lykken, along with frequent guests, Alice Alvey, Joe Farr and Scott Sanderson provide up-to-the-minute information on interest rates, loan programs and "hot" industry news related to the mortgage industry. E-mail me topic
