Life On Your Terms

Life On Your Terms

024 ~ Sam Conaway: Laundry to Leadership & Finding Your Purpose

May 24, 2023

In this episode of Life on Your Terms, I interview the inspiring Sam Conaway. He is President of US Cardiology Sales for Boston Scientific and chairs the company's health equity program.

Sam grew up in a tough neighborhood in Baltimore, Maryland. Many of his friends went down a troubled path mired in gangs, drugs and violence. He shared being a high school baseball star is the only thing that kept him safe and "untouchable" in his neighborhood.

However, his dream of going pro was dashed by an injury and Sam ended up working in a hospital laundry room. He could have become bitter and given up. Instead he worked harder and drew inspiration from his uncle who "made it out". He found his true purpose and never looked back!

Sam went from folding laundry to assisting with cardiac procedures by 19 years old. The experience fulfilled him in ways he couldn't imagine. He is now focused on leading and inspiring others that they can achieve anything with a positive mindset, strong work ethic, being honest with yourself and allowing yourself to dream big!

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