Life On Your Terms

017 ~ What Are You Doing to Make Your Soul Grow?
Karen Isailovic was always an artist. Her mother and aunt saw that in her from a very young age. But, Karen didn’t initially embrace this side of herself. She denied her gifts and held back from putting her creative expression out there for others to see and possibly judge. The artist inside her lay dormant for decades. Instead, she started a general contracting company when she was 19 years old while raising two daughters. But, the artist inside her started to stir again. It called her back and she came full circle back to the person she already was – her authentic self spoke and she listened.
Karen’s passion for the arts and young people, who may feel lost like she once was, are her purpose and have manifested into what is now Root Studio. She describes Root Studio as a place to find your essence and be in the flow. In this interview Karen helps us understand how art is a way to make your soul grow. She believes people are ready to “Listen” and artistic expression is a vehicle to help you get there. Her message is to do something that your whole heart is in and you will be successful. Karen’s incredible journey of re-discovering her gifts, embracing them and sharing them with the world has helped her find herself again. She is no longer lost. She is living life on her terms.
~ What are you doing to make your soul grow?
~ Are you listening to your inner compass or denying your gifts out of fear?
~ Are you in the Flow or do you feel lost?.