Life On Your Terms

013 ~ Monty Knowles: Beauty and the Power of Positive Thinking
Dr. Schiada interviews Monty Knowles. He ran a successful architecture firm in the Bahamas and “had it all”. But, in his heart he know he wasn’t living life truly on his terms. He almost got caught in the trap of guilt, shame and fear, then realized he had a choice to change the way he lived and worked.
The risk he took and the shifts he made only broadened his world and resulted in joy, happiness and lots of amazing travels! He shares insightful gems that allowed him to create the life he desired.
Monty has diverse passions and interests. Architecture, photography, art are the most tangibly evident, but making great memories with amazing people is most important to him. You can learn more about Monty and his amazing raw beauty photography, body painting and much more at