In The Doctor's Chair

In The Doctor's Chair

It’s Probably Your Hormones: Balancing Your Hormones to Improve Your Health with Dr Mary Ryan

May 24, 2023

Today, Dr. Mary joins me to discuss the importance of taking care of yourself and how stress and lifestyle affect hormones. She shares the story of how she became a doctor and some of the professors who inspired her to become an endocrinologist. Dr. Mary explains the role of the pituitary gland and what happens when hormones become imbalanced. She shares her suggestions to help balance hormones, how to listen to your body, and how to recharge from stress in order to prevent burnout. We discuss the vicious cycle of stress that we see our patients get caught in, how education is the key to understanding how to take control of your health, and discuss how you can best educate yourself. We also discuss the writing process and the surprises Dr. Mary encountered while writing her book It’s Probably Your Hormones: From Appetite to Sleep, Periods to Sex Drive, Balance Your Hormones to Unlock Better Health.
