

The Power of Love

August 22, 2022

A while ago, the New York Times published an article about Google’s Project Aristotle. The purpose of this project was to decipher the key attributes of high-performing teams. What Project Aristotle found was that the most crucial determinant of high-performing teams was love, which was measured by everyone on a team feeling like they had an equal voice. The second attribute this project identified was empathy among team members. The third attribute pertained to members feeling like they could be themselves in their group.

In today’s episode, I share the power of love in high-performing and successful teams, businesses, and leaders. I reveal what 21st-century leaders need to help their teams meet their business objectives. I share how intimacy with self is similar to intimacy with employees—demanding transparency and absolute truth. I highlight the need to be willing to embrace what other people think, want, and need. I also share how our fragile psyches often blur this view and how our subconscious desires to be right, protect ourselves, and get our agenda done take over.

“Love is the power behind high-performing teams. It is also the power behind high-performing businesses and the secret sauce of high-performing leaders.” - Chris Colbert

This week on Insert:Human

●      The three attributes behind high-performing teams

●      Why 21st-century leaders need to instill their employees with love

●      What is required of love to motivate teams and ensure leaders do not fail

●      The job, stumbling blocks, and level of intimacy required in leadership

●      Finding the motivation to be intimate with teams in order to make connections, achieve clarity, and take the right ‘next step’

●      Achieving better outcomes by looking at problems, tasks, and questions through someone else’s perspective

Resources Mentioned:

●      What Google Learned From Its Quest To Build The Perfect Team

●      Google’s Project Aristotle

Insert:Human - For a Better Life & Better World 

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