

Winning the Battle Between Fear and Possibility

June 13, 2022

Progress means taking risks, but sometimes we let fear paralyze us. We allow fear to make us think it’s impossible to move from where we are—that it’s safer to stay put. On the other hand, the bold ignore their fears, which is problematic in itself as it invites an array of dangers and risks. How do we manage the right balance between fear and possibility?

In this episode, I explain how to win the battle between fear and possibility. I discuss why having too much fear or possibility is terrible and reveal how to achieve the correct ratio. I describe how I let fear rule some of my major life decisions and the long-term effects thereof. I relate fear and possibility to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and list the three questions we need to ask ourselves. I also explore why the US is currently operating in fear.

"Whatever we seek to transform, we can only succeed if the force of possibility within us outweighs the force of fear." - Chris Colbert

This week on Insert:Human

●      Achieving the right ratio between fear and possibility

●      Why too much fear or possibility is bad

●      Some major decisions I made out of fear

●      Reviewing Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

●      What allowed me to find a better ratio

●      Asking ourselves about mastery, autonomy, and purpose

●      How the pandemic threw everything into a fear-based tailspin

●      The fear of loss surrounding the US today

●      My one wish for the world

Resources Mentioned:

●      Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

●      Book: A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman

Insert:Human - For a Better Life & Better World 

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