

Why Do We Believe in Myths ?

May 09, 2022

Most of us were introduced to myths from an early age. I was fascinated by Greek myths and Greek mythology. There was something about the ancient mythical world of Hera and Zeus, Hades and Dionysus, and Ares and Aphrodite that really resonated with my eight-year-old self. The tales of Ulysses, Helen of Troy, and Romulus and Remus were better than almost any other tale I have ever been told.

This truth has made me ponder; why do I - and humans in general - love myths so much, even when our rational selves know that Medusa wasn’t that ugly and snakes can’t actually grow out of a Gorgon's head?

In today’s episode, I explore why we believe in myths and why our society’s beliefs in falsehoods, make-believes, and mythology only grows. I opine about the conspiracy theories and political myths in American society today and the many myths children today are encouraged to believe. I explore the Four Theories of Myths and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory, a myth in itself. And finally, I highlight how we use myths to comfort our fears and worries and find simple answers to the complex and often unanswerable questions about living and the meaning of life.

“They make us feel better simply because we can use myths to park all our anxiety, all our worry in a lovely little box called a myth.” - Chris Colbert

This week on Insert:Human

●     The paradox of our societies often being built on myths and falsehoods

●     Conspiracy theories, political myths, and how 27% of white evangelicals believe QAnon is real

●     The myths American children hear while growing up and why we are raised on myths

●     The Four Theories of Myth

●     Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory and the framework of all human behavior

●     How religion satisfies Maslow's five fundamental levels of need

●     The problems of taking action and making decisions based on fiction instead of fact

Resources Mentioned:

●     American Enterprise Institute Survey

Insert:Human - For a Better Life & Better World

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