Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Latest Episodes

Better Problems
June 10, 2021

Let’s look at what it means to have it all together. Many people think that because they are a coach, they need to be perfect in their lives. While you do need to have some measure of success and expe

True or False - The Social Media Hit
June 03, 2021

Do you really need social media to book yourself solid? How can you determine whether promoting your coaching services on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will help you att

Stop Spinning The Wheel
May 27, 2021

We are all familiar with those TV shows or games where you spin the wheel in the hopes of winning. These games make you rely on fate or chance to hopefully bring you success, and you have probably pla

Referrals Will Kill Your Business
May 20, 2021

Referred prospects are typically more inclined to fit your business if sent by people who fit your red velvet rope policy. There is nothing wrong with getting clients through word of mouth or using re

The Customer is NOT Always Right
May 13, 2021

Your client is coming to you with certain expectations and ideas about what they want and how you will help them get there. You want to help them reach their goals, but what do you do when they are ai

Insulation vs Isolation
May 06, 2021

It has become more common in modern society to believe that we should never listen to or spend time with someone that disagrees with us. We hear a lot about getting toxic people out of your life, and

Have a Coach
April 29, 2021

I didn't think I would ever have to record a podcast episode on this subject, but it’s incredible how many coaches don't have a coach themselves. Instead, we - ourselves - fall prey to the ‘Do-It-Your

Identity Failure
April 22, 2021

A business coaching client stays with a new coach, on average, around four months. Some clients will work with you for longer, depending on a few things, such as the system you are using, but most wil

Redefining Networking
April 15, 2021

Depending on your thinking, 2020 has either been the death of networking, has put it on hold and will make a comeback, or it has changed forever and we will be doing it in new ways from now on. Howeve

Screw It
April 08, 2021

To steal a phrase from the movie Vanilla Sky, when actor Jason Lee says, 'The sweet is never as sweet, without the sour' he could also be referring to the ups and downs of being a coach. We love it wh
