Profit For Coaches

Profit For Coaches

Latest Episodes

This is All You Get
April 01, 2021

Have you heard of Parkinson's Law, the law that runs on the adage 'Work expands to fill the time available for its completion? In other words - if the deadline is in 5 days or 5 years – that is how lo

Stop Depending on "It Depends"
March 25, 2021

The world is full of variables, and I grant you no two clients are the same. So when I ask a coach a simple question such as 'What is the biggest advantage of working with you?' and they fire back at

Standards - Up Yours
March 18, 2021

It would be a fair assumption to say the world views coaches as the people who will improve the lives, skillsets, or behaviors of those who employ us. We are here to help you be better. We can only do

Feeling Forced
March 11, 2021

Does chasing prospects feel like chasing waterfalls to you? Was it the 90's girl band TLC who sang 'Don't go chasing prospects, please keep to the clients and the lists that you're used to?'' No? Okay

Six Figure Freelancing with Kate Bagoy
March 04, 2021

Kate Bagoy is the Founder and Business Coach for Six-Figure Freelancers, teaching the secret to earning upwards of $10k a month while working from a beach, a mountain top, or even just from the sofa i

Rhythm, Not Reaction
February 25, 2021

When you sign a client for a 6-month contract, a client who will pay you handsomely and fairly for your expertise, what is your first impulse? Do you go out and take out that finance for a new car? Bo

Organizing Your Practice
February 18, 2021

Carolina Gutierrez is the Founder of Business in Order, a Management Consulting company that will support your business's back office with bespoke organizing solutions. As a Backend Specialist, Caroli

Pick Your Pricing
February 11, 2021

Value can be a very subjective and elusive concept to pin down, particularly when YOU have to put a price on the services you offer. In its simplest sense, 'value' is the exchange of perceived benefit

Free Coaching - Part 2: Right?
February 04, 2021

    In part 1 of my tackling the well-meaning but muddy waters of Free Coaching, I had my Negative Nancy hat on and looked at all of the ways the free session can be bad for your coaching practice. To

Free Coaching - Part 1: We're Doing It Wrong
January 28, 2021

    Everybody loves getting something for free, right? Who could resist the allure of a free coaching session, with no cash involved and no commitment to make? You give a little something, and you get
