Work Smart Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training and Outstanding Business Success

Work Smart Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training and Outstanding Business Success

WSH173 - Janet Thomson on the Power to Change

July 19, 2018

Janet Thomson shares how she combined nutrition and hypnosis into one holistic program to help clients struggling with weight loss and healthy eating. She shares how she incorporated tapping protocols and NLP into her coaching practice and the strategies she uses to help her clients avoid self-sabotaging behaviors. She also shares the hypnotic creative process that allows her to get to the root of how her client arrived at their current state and how they can get out of it.

Janet is the founder of the holistic life coaching business Power to Change and the best-selling author of The Placebo Diet. She is a registered Clinical Hypnotherapist with a lengthy list of qualifications, including an MSc in Nutrition and Exercise Science. After years of working in a health club environment with clients who wanted to lose weight or increase their overall fitness, Janet had a realization that the psychological aspect of fitness and nutrition was lacking in her practice. She now uses modalities such as NLP, TFT, and hypnotherapy to complement her nutrition expertise when helping clients reach their goals.

“As coaches or therapists, we are in a very privileged position of being able to change someone’s life.” – Janet Thomson

  • Challenges she faced when working with clients on their nutrition.
  • How awareness can be curative.
  • How the study she conducted for her MSc thesis helped her realize that she needed to bring a psychological element into her wellness practice.
  • Why she believes in the power of the word “because.”
  • The importance of giving your client a reason, explaining the consequences, and giving them the power to choose.
  • Why she recommends giving clients responsibility in a way that gives them pleasure.
  • The two techniques she recommends to help clients prevent self-sabotage and cravings.
  • Why the way we think and feel about food should never be overlooked.
  • The benefits of using TFT and how you can incorporate tapping into your daily life.
  • The two-part question she asks clients who want to lose weight.
  • The first rule of sales and how it relates to working with the unconscious mind.
  • The questions she uses to start her sessions.
  • Why she recommends using language that the client uses during the session.
  • How food works as a placebo for our emotions.

Janet’s Tips for Working with Weight Loss Clients:

  1. Find the objection.
  2. Let them reveal their strategy to you.
  3. Use the timeline technique.

Resources Mentioned:

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