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WSH143 - Michael Watson on Evolutionary Hypnosis
Michael Watson is the director of Phoenix Services and a Diplomate of the International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association. He has been training people in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP for 20 years and has trained with a number of well-known names like Richard Bandler and Robert Dilts.
Today, Michael explains how hypnosis has evolved over time, how organic it is, and how not-so-pretty it is sometimes. He explains why cookie-cutter hypnosis strategies aren’t the best approach for every client and how to validate change with your clients. He also advocates for allowing the client to fill in the details and have their own organic experiences.
“When we experience pain or elation, we become more aware of what our values are, what is important to us.” – Michael Watson
- Michael’s experiences and how they led him into hypnosis
- The shortcomings of cookie-cutter tactics
- How he changed as he learned
- How evolutionary hypnosis functions
- How the conscious and unconscious minds differ and interact
- How compassion is a formative force
- The mindset of commitment
- Where psychotherapy shuts down expression
- How our inner voice holds us back, and how we can work with it to move forward
Connect with Michael Watson:
- 2018 Virtual Hypnosis Convention
- Hypno Expo Conference: Daytona Beach
- HypnoThoughts Live
- Core Transformation
- International Hypnosis Federation Conference