Work Smart Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training and Outstanding Business Success

Work Smart Hypnosis | Hypnosis Training and Outstanding Business Success

WSH250 - Three Ts that Built My Business

January 09, 2020



Building a business from the ground up can be challenging. Even those that are up and running need to consistently grow year-after-year. You are not looking to reinvent the wheel to keep things going, but instead, you need to find ways to use your time and money better. It would help if you had an effective start-up strategy to scale built on a foundation of secrets that make these strategies effective.


Today, I share the three T’s that built my business. I share how transparency, trust, and transformation should form the foundation for your success and why you should be transparent when representing your hypnosis services. I highlight why you trust in proven systems but make them your own. I also share why it is vital to transform yourself personally and professionally through my basic life principles that will affect everything you do.


“You are going to get out of everything what you put into it.” - Jason Linett


  • Why you need to be transparent in the way you represent your services to the public
  • Selling honesty and communicating expectations with new clients
  • Setting a foundation of compliance
  • Using frameworks to get the quickest and easiest wins
  • Trusting in techniques that have stood the test of time
  • The importance of transforming your skills by training with someone actively doing the work now
  • The importance of transforming yourself personally and professionally




Resources Mentioned:





Reserve your spot now for the 2020 ICBCH & HPTI Winter HypnoConference. 3-Days in Las Vegas featuring 35+ expert hypnosis speakers sharing the EXACT tools they use to create therapeutic success:



Join us at the next ICBCH Train-the-Trainer event:



Get an all-access pass to Jason’s digital library to help you grow your hypnosis business:


Get instant access to Jason Linett’s entire hypnotherapeutic training library:


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