The Rising Father Podcast With Chris Rodack

The Rising Father Podcast With Chris Rodack

The Rising Father Podcast #70 | The Man I Want To Become

February 12, 2024


In this podcast episode, Chris Rodack discusses the importance of relating to children on their level and investing quality time in building relationships with them. He shares personal stories and experiences, highlighting the need to overcome resistance to engaging in activities that may not align with our own preferences. Chris emphasizes the significance of self-reflection and improvement as fathers, acknowledging that our children often mirror our behaviors. He also addresses the challenges of patience and emotional reactions, offering strategies for managing frustration and maintaining a positive mindset. The episode concludes with a call to action for fathers to prioritize personal growth and intentional daily practices to become the best versions of themselves for their children.


Relating to children on their level and investing quality time in building relationships is crucial for effective parenting.
Overcoming resistance to engaging in activities that may not align with our own preferences is essential for connecting with our children.
Self-reflection and improvement are key to becoming better fathers and role models for our children.
Managing frustration and emotional reactions is important for maintaining a positive and supportive environment for our children.


00:00 Introduction and Setting the Context
01:23 Working on Relating to Kids on Their Level
02:22 Balancing Adventurous Activities with Kids' Interests
03:30 Being Present and Playing Video Games with Kids
04:28 The Importance of Relating to Kids on a Friend Level
05:53 Investing Time in Building Relationships with Kids
07:48 Prioritizing Quality Time with Kids
08:18 Overcoming Resistance to Engaging in Kids' Activities
09:16 Working on Patience and Emotional Reactions
12:40 Recognizing and Addressing Triggers in Parenting
14:05 The Importance of Self-Reflection and Improvement
17:22 Learning from Mistakes and Growing as a Father
18:50 Understanding the Influence of Childhood Experiences
20:31 Managing Frustration and Emotional Reactions
22:29 The Power of Intentional Daily Practices
25:19 Recognizing the Impact of Personal Growth on Parenting
27:54 Children as Mirrors of Our Own Behaviors
29:53 Taking Extreme Ownership in Parenting
31:00 Conclusion and Call to Action