The Knowledge Exchange

Latest Episodes
Jane – Pain, and How to Manage
We hosted Jane to learn from her experiences with persisting pain, chatting about: Her journey as a patient in our medical system The unrelenting nature of pain The different ways she was treated by c
Sheela Ivlev – Disrupt the Status Quo
We hosted OT, consultant, educator, and organiser Sheela Ivlev to discuss: How social determinants link to equity and justice Anti-Racism for healthcare professionals White supremacy what it is and
Matthew Low – From Micro to Macro
We hosted consultant physiotherapist, educator and researcher Matthew Low to discuss: Evidence-Based Practice what is it really? Person-Centred vs Person-Focused Why care about philosophy? Reflectiv
Allana Beavis & Derek Lai – Global Health
We hosted Physiotherapists Allana Beavis and Derek Lai from the Global Physio Podcast to discuss: What is global health, and what led them to learning about it The challenges when starting to lear
David Newton – Forward-Thinking Chiropractic
We hosted Chiropractor, mentor and founder of Clinical Concepts Dr. David Newton to discuss: The biggest challenges in evidence-based care Barriers and solutions to updating university assessments and
Oliver Thomson – Diagnosis, Philosophy and Pseudoscience
We hosted osteopath, researcher and educator Dr. Oliver Thomson to discuss: Whats the function of a diagnosis? The value of qualitative research Why bother with philosophy and critical thinking How
Diego Hidalgo – Be Skeptical, not Contrarian
We hosted Physiotherapist Diego Hidalgo to discuss: The value of philosophy and critical thinking Why should we expand our social circles? The real value of learning anatomy What we need to talk about
Jordan Feigenbaum – Science Communication, What Do?
We hosted Medical Doctor, Strength Coach and founder of Barbell Medicine Jordan Feigenbaum to discuss: How do doctors, health and fitness professionals interpret Barbell Medicines content + the most
Eduan Breedt – Philosophy & Neoliberalism
We hosted Physiotherapist and PhD candidate Eduan Breedt to discuss: Why should clinicians care about politics? What should we know about neoliberalism? Critical questions to reflect on our healthcare
Sophie Shephard – Power within Professions
We hosted Titled Pain Physio and PhD candidate Soph Shephard to discuss: A sociological view of profession vs profession How professional identity can interfere with progress What scope of practice