Functional Medicine Business Institute Podcast

Functional Medicine Business Institute Podcast

Episode 29: Are You On Track To Meet Your Goals?

May 30, 2022

Goal setting can be fun and stressful at the same time. Dr. Deb shares how to stay on track to meet your goals and grow your practice while maintaining your sanity and personal life. 

Do not miss these highlights:

02:08 Start making progress and changing the landscape of your life and your business to accomplish a bigger goal 

02:24 You need to have a plan on how you’re going to get there,  just like going on a trip 

03:53  It's easy for things to derail us in our life, the same way for businesses. You might derail from your original goal.

04:40 Write down your goals for one year, five years and 10 years, break them down and reevaluate 

06:17 Your desired future - Track your progress.

09:37 The desired future statement - It lays out where you're going in the next 12 months and how you plan to get there.

11:08 Define your objectives - Outline how you're going to reach that desired future, determine what must happen to achieve your goal over the next 12 months

12:24 Follow your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) - Define what it takes to accomplish your goals and your objectives. 

15:15 It is your job as the leader in the practice, to tell people what you’re thinking, share the objectives, goals, and the expectations to help reach the goal

Resources Mentioned

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