CRAZY MAGAZINE! – Dandy Fun House episode 41

May 06, 2024

watch the video below!

listen to the podcast below!

neil dandy as obnoxio the clown with dandy fun house logo

Hey there! It’s me, your old pal Obnoxio the Clown. I know it’s been a while but I couldn’t help but crawl out of my clown hole once I heard what the Dandy Fun House had planned for this episode of their show! Not only that, but they also made the incredibly bad decision to ask ME, your old pal Obnoxio to host!They would have asked the Nebbish, but he doesn’t really talk so much. Ok, by now I have to imagine about two of you are really excited but most of you are really confused, so let me bring you up to speed. I used to be the mascot for CRAZY Magazine and I’m here to tell you the story of this wacky little rag that had a pretty good run back in the 70’s and 80’s! So without further ado, Let’s step into the Fart House! What? Oh the Fun House! Yeah that’s it!

Hello and welcome to the Dandy Flop House, Fun House or whatever they call it! Video Show, Podcast and Blog! I’m your old long-lost pal, Obnoxio the Clown and I’m here to tell you the story of an obnoxious humor magazine that existed from 1973 to 1983 which yours truly was honored to be the mascot for during it’s final few years.

obnoxio the clown admiring a dandy fun house t shirtobnoxio the clown with picture of the back of a dandy fun house t shirtobnoxio the clown rolling his eyes with a picture of a dandy fun house t shirt and the dandyfunhouse.com website address

But first, let me show you these crazy new t-shirts from the Dandy Fun House (did I say it right this time?) now available in the Dandy Fun SHOP! It’s got a front AND a back so you don’t get too cold and comes with 4 holes in it. One to crawl your body into, one to stick your head out of and two to poke yer arms through! You can find it at the Dandy Fun House website at http://www.dandyfunhouse.com or go directly to the store at http://www.dandyfunshop.com . Now back to this glorious freaking episode!

obnoxio the clown with the marvel comics logoobnoxio the clown with a cover of mad magazineobnoxio the clown with a cover of cracked magazineobnoxio the clown with a cover of sick magazineobnoxio the clown with a cover of national lampoon magazine

Ok, CRAZY MAGAZINE! We were published by Marvel Comics believe it or not and were sort of in the vein of Mad Magazine, Cracked, Sick Magazine and National Lampoon.

obnoxio the clown with atlas comics logoobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's editionobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's editionobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's editionobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's editionobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's editionobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's editionobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy comics 1950's edition

In the beginning back in 1953, Marvel Comics was actually called Atlas Comics and they decided to try their hand at competing with the behemoth of all novelty mags, MAD Magazine. So they published 7 issues of a comic book called CRAZY! Which skewered pop culture and included gags galore. It was a nice trial balloon, but didn’t exactly take the world by storm so they shelved the idea of publishing a satire for the next TWENTY YEARS until 1973 when it was revived for the purpose of republishing some of Marvel’s more wacky bits from their late-60’s comic called “Not Brand Echh.” What the heck kind of a name is “NOT BRAND ECHH!?”

obnoxio the clown with cover of not brand echhobnoxio the clown with cover of crazy magazine first issueobnoxio the clown with a picture of an ice cream cone topped with sardines


obnoxio the clown with picture of stan lee


obnoxio the clown with picture of marv wolfman


For some reason they decided to give the old CRAZY Magazine another crack at success and kept things rolling under the guiding hand of the Marvel man, myth and legend himself… Stan Lee along with Co-Editor Marv Wolfman. Lee wanted to go for a straight up Mad Magazine and Cracked Magazine vibe while Wolfman wanted something more along the lines of National Lampoon. They came to an agreement somewhere in the middle and this gave CRAZY its own unique flavor. Kind of like sardine ala mode!

obnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazine

It was decided that CRAZY needed a mascot, and so kicked around ideas until they came up with a small, buggy looking guy in a floppy hat and some sort of black cape-looking trench coat thing and they called this guy “The Nebbish.” Later they gave him the more proper name of “Irving Nebbish.” This Nebbish guy served as the mascot for CRAZY Magazine for seven solid years and he did a fine job I must say. I mean, I eventually STOLE his job but no hard feelings Nebby! That’s show biz!

obnoxio the clown with picture of crazy magazine editor steve gerber


obnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with a picture of a jar of baby food flavored like mcdonalds big mac and fries

Wolfman wasn’t the only editor Crazy Magazine had. A man named Steve Gerber took over editing for issues #11-14 with a desire to set the magazine apart from its competition and try to convince the readers that the creators themselves were crazy. Gerber’s run as editor came to an abrupt end however when he published a very dark feature called “… And the Birds Hummed Dirges” which featured high schoolers engaged in a suicide pact. I think Mr. Gerber went back to making baby food after that!

obnoxio the clown with a picture of crazy magazine editor larry hama


obnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazineobnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazine

obnoxio the clown with picture of al milgrom whom obnoxio's face was modeled after


obnoxio the clown with picture of comic artist Alan Kupperberg


obnoxio the clown with cover of an issue of crazy magazine

CRAZY Mag did alright for a while. At least good enough to keep getting published but by 1979, sales were slumping so they brought on a new editor named Larry Hama who tried something really obnoxious and created me, Obnoxio the Clown to be CRAZY Magazine’s new mascot starting with issue #63 in June 1980! Larry wanted a mascot for the mag that would be more proactive and in your face than the other humor rags, so there I was! They modeled my face after some schmuck named Al Milgrom and I was mostly drawn by artist Alan Kupperberg. Back then I had hair. Today not so much. Too many Nair pies to the head’ll do that to ya! And let me tell you, we had the best features during my run as mascot and those days were a blast!

obnoxio the clown chomping a cigar

Some of my personal favorite features were:

obnoxio the clown with image of the kinetic kids crazy magazine feature

The Kinetic Kids where you would flip two pages back and forth to give the illusion of animation and bring gross and violent pictures to life

obnoxio the clown with image of the howard the duck

Howard The Duck!

obnoxio the clown with image of the nebbish

The Nebbish! My old pal! No hard feelings Nebby!

obnoxio the clown with image of the onoxio the clown fun pages crazy magazine feature

The Obnoxio The Clown Fun Pages where I would bring you stupid puzzles and parodies! It’s what I do!

obnoxio the clown with image of page-o-stuff crazy magazine feature

Page-O-Stuff – This is where they stuck all their random ideas that didn’t work anywhere else!

obnoxio the clown with image of kaspar the dead baby crazy magazine featureobnoxio the clown with image of ritchie retch crazy magazine feature

Comic Book Parodies – Sendups of famous comics like Kaspar the Dead Baby, Ritchie Retch and stuff like that!

obnoxio the clown with image of believe it or else crazy magazine feature

Believe it Or Else!

obnoxio the clown with image of behemoth jack crazy magazine featureobnoxio the clown with image of weird al yankovic

The Eleventh Hour Special with Behemoth Jack – Where we would parody song lyrics long before Weird Al was a thing! My favorite was our sendup of Paul McFartney and the Things!

Fantasy vs. Reality, Aunty Nuke, Gross Encounters and so much more! Ahh! Those were the days baby!

obnoxio the clown with image of a crazy magazine cover as it appeared on the simpsons tv showobnoxio the clown with image of crusty the clown

A couple decades later we even made it into an episode of the Simpsons! (ok, it was a glancing mention, but still!). Come to think of it, that Crusty the Clown’s act seems awful familiar! Get my lawyer on the phone!

obnoxio the clown with cover of the final issue of crazy magazine

I had a great time corrupting the world’s youth, but like the bright burning star that I am, I got white hot and burned fast. That’s right, even your old pal Obnoxio couldn’t save the publication from all the modern distractions the world was offering. People just didn’t have time for good old fashioned gross humor anymore.  CRAZY Magazine closed its covers and printed its final issue in April 1983 and I had to go back to twisting balloon animals in the old folks homes. We did have a reunion in 2019 for a one-off issue featuring new material and bringing back some of the best blasts from the past but that pretty much stuck a fork in us!

obnoxio the clown with dandy fun house logoobnoxio the clown with dandy fun house logoobnoxio the clown screaming at picture of ramboobnoxio the clown with dandy fun house logo

And now you know pretty much all there is to know about the brief but disgusting run of CRAZY MAGAZINE! We had a good run I suppose! Whaddaya want from me!? I come out of retirement to do a guest-host spot on this no-name production and I can’t even get a bottle of seltzer water in my trailer! I used to be a star! I used to be in command of million-dollar machines! I come back home and I can’t even get a job as a dishwasher! Say what? Oh yeah, you’re right. Sorry I Rambo sometimes.

obnoxio the clown pointing his cigar at the camera with dandy fun house logoobnoxio the clown screaming at the dandy fun house logo

Hey! You! Yeah I’m talking to you! If you have found any sort of redeeming value to this production at all, the producers of the Dandy Fun House would like to encourage you to show your support and help them afford seltzer water for the guest host trailer by visiting the Patronage Page at the Dandy Fun House Website www.dandyfunhouse.com

obnoxio the clown with dandy fun house logo and dandyfunhouse.com text

Supporters gain access to exclusive bonus features not available to the general public. I might even show off a few highly worn-out issues of Crazy Magazine.


obnoxio the clown with image of asian man dreaming about nair pie

Super Supporters get access to the exact same bonus features as the cheapskates get PLUS we’ll mail you something special from right here at the Dandy Fun House Studios IF you provide your mailing address!Maybe a Nair Pie! Ohhhh! Nair Pie!

Podcast Listeners can donate directly from the podcast app of choice IF the app supports it (look for a button with a dollar sign on it usually)

And 5 star reviews wherever you can leave them get my undying gratitude!

THERE! Have I shilled enough for you leeches!? Give me my 20 bucks and let me go home now!

obnoxio the clown with dandy fun house logo

Thanks for hanging out and come back soon right here to the Dandy Fun House where everything is always… FUN AND DANDY!

dandy fun house logo in space

Is it just me or does the Nebbish bear a striking resemblance to the Hamburglar?

obnoxio the clown chomping on a cigar

Neil Dandy is the creator of The Dandy Fun House and the alter-ego of Neil Smith, the Big Cheese at Neil Smith Entertainment, musician, Emcee and Author. Aren’t you impressed?