The Way of Jesus by Preston Thomas

The Way of Jesus by Preston Thomas

Latest Episodes

Episode 36 – The Antichrist Breaks His Covenant and Is Destroyed
December 06, 2023

Episode 36 explores Daniel Chapter 9 and the famous prophecy []

Episode 35 – The Rise, Success, and Fate of the Antichrist
November 04, 2023

Episode 35 depicts a great vision of Daniel and Gabriels []

Episode 34 – The Material Messiah
October 02, 2023

Episode 34 continues the discussion of the two Messiahs described []

Episode 33 – The Spiritual Messiah
September 02, 2023

Episode 33 reveals often overlooked fact that the Jewish scriptures []

Episode 32 – Who is Melchizedek?
August 01, 2023

Episode 32 focuses on a most mysterious figure who is []

Episode 31 – Daniel 7–The Four Great Beasts­ and the Antichrist
July 01, 2023

Episode 31 focuses on Daniels dream of the four great []

Episode 30 – Daniel 2–The Great Image
June 02, 2023

Episode 30 begins the discussion of major Biblical prophecies that []

Episode 29 – The Coming of the Outer Kingdom
May 03, 2023

Episode 29 reveals that Jesus actually taught two differing concepts []

Episode 28 – Encouragement and Victory in a Secular World
April 16, 2023

Episode 28 lists reasons not to become discouraged by our []

Episode 27 – The Next Phase of Jesus’ Spiritual Kingdom
March 22, 2023

Episode 27 focuses on the coming triumph of the teachings []