The New Student Pharmacist's Podcast Experience

The New Student Pharmacist's Podcast Experience

Latest Episodes

W języku angielskim i polskim| The New Chemist's Podcast- Organic Chemistry Fundamentals in English and Polish | Podstawy chemii organicznej w języku angielskim i polskim
August 12, 2023

English: Remember, You can do it. You can make it. You can achieve it. You are a leader and you can and will make a positive difference in your community. Don't give up, we are rooting and cheering for you ! -- Polish: Pamiętaj: możesz to zrobić. Może

The New Chemist's Podcast- The New Chemist Becomes a Pharmacist-in-Training : The Journey To NAPLEX Success- Episode 1
August 11, 2023

In this episode, we produce audio that is reflective of some of the professional initiatives and endeavors of one of the leaders of our Podcasting Group. We highlight in this episode early fundamentals that he found significant, as he studies in Pharmacy

The New Chemist's Podcast- Interview with Isaiah Swann, MD-PhD Student at The University of Virginia; Division III Student-Athlete Representative, NCAA Board of Governors
August 09, 2023

In this episode, we discuss with Isaiah Swann, an MSTP trainee and Student Representative on the NCAA Board of Governors, his career path and progress so far, and we gain insights from his good experiences, hear how he maintains work-life integration, and

Em inglês e português | Remembering a Keystone Moment in Graduate School- Highlights from IU-Bloomington as an ACS Bridge Fellow and GEM Fellow | In English and Portuguese
August 09, 2023

Portugus:Neste episdio, reflito sobre um momento fundamental na ps-graduao, durante o qual trabalhei em minha tese de ps-graduao centrada na importncia de um fosfolipdio (cardiolipina) em doenas neurodegenerativas e no potencial desse lipdio

Video Episode: The New Chemist's Podcast- Understanding Cardiolipin's Function in Neurodegenerative Diseases - Thesis Abstract in ASL
August 09, 2023

Episode Text: Cardiolipin (CL), also known as diphosphatidyglycerol, is localized and synthesized exclusively in the mitochondria. This glycerophospholipid was first characterized by Mary Pangborn and McFarlane in 1941. Presently, CL is considered a pote

En ingles y español| Remembering a Keystone Moment in Graduate School- Highlights from IU-Bloomington as an ACS Bridge Fellow and GEM Fellow |In English and Spanish
August 07, 2023

English:In this episode, I reflect on a keystone moment in graduate school, within which I worked on my graduate thesis that was centered around the significance of a phospholipid (cardiolipin) in neurodegenerative diseases, and the potential of that li

En anglais et en français | In English and French| Remembering a Keystone Moment in Graduate School- Highlights from IU-Bloomington as an ACS Bridge Fellow and GEM Fellow
August 05, 2023

Franais:Dans cet pisode, je rflchis un moment cl de mes tudes suprieures, au cours duquel j'ai travaill sur ma thse de diplme centre sur l'importance d'un phospholipide (cardiolipine) dans les maladies neurodgnratives, et le p

In inglese e italiano| Remembering a Keystone Moment in Graduate School- Highlights from IU-Bloomington as an ACS Bridge Fellow and GEM Fellow | In English and Italian
August 04, 2023

Italiano:In questo episodio, rifletto su un momento chiave della scuola di specializzazione, all'interno del quale ho lavorato alla mia tesi di laurea incentrata sul significato di un fosfolipide (cardiolipina) nelle malattie neurodegenerative e sul

The New Chemist's Podcast - Have you ever heard of Nanomedicine? Interested in learning more about it? - Nanomedicine: Variability and Specificity
July 30, 2023

In this episode we discuss Nano-medicine, and present ideas associated with some of the fundamentals of this topic within the context of chemistry. Definitely a good episode worth listening to!

The New Chemist's Podcast- The New Chemist's Chemistry Handbook- Book Overview and the Start of the Book Launch
July 26, 2023

In this episode, we present overviews of chemistry ideas and high school chemistry fundamentals, to show the utility, high value, and technical accuracy of the 415 page book - " The New Chemist's Chemistry Handbook" , and its importance in m