Decisive Point Podcast

Decisive Point Podcast

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Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-41 – COL Dan Herlihy – Cognitive Performance Enhancement for Multi-domain Operations
June 20, 2023

Despite its desire to achieve cognitive dominance for multi-domain operations, the Army has yet to develop fully and adopt the concept of cognitive performance enhancement. This article provides a comprehensive assessment of the Army’s efforts in this are

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-40 – Dr. Sarah J. Lohmann – What Ukraine Taught NATO about Hybrid Warfare
June 20, 2023

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has highlighted the long-term energy dependencies on Moscow that Europe will neither be able to resolve quickly nor without great sacrifice. Russia’s hybrid warfare—a combination of kinetic strikes against key infrastructur

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-39 – COL George Shatzer – SRAD Director’s Corner: Preserving Taiwan as Strategic Imperative
June 20, 2023

In the fourth installment of the SRAD Director’s Corner, Shatzer focuses on the Taiwan/China relationship. He reviews The Trouble with Taiwan: History, the United States and a Rising China by Kerry Brown and Kalley Wu Tzu-hui and Taiwan Straits Standoff:

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-38 – Dr. Jeffrey McCausland – Putin Chooses between a Series of Bad Options
June 20, 2023

Now that Vladimir Putin has chosen a path of escalation in his unnecessary war of aggression against Ukraine, it is imperative Western policymakers know the consequences and how he might escalate further. This podcast examines recent events on the battlef

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-37 – Dr. C. Anthony Pfaff – Coercing Fluently: The Grammar of Coercion in the Twenty-first Century
June 20, 2023

To illustrate the logic and grammar of coercion, this analysis relies on decision-theory methods, such as game theory, that examine the strategic decision-making process in interactions with adversaries and partners. The intent here is not to offer predic

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-36 – Henry D. Sokolski – Present Danger: Nuclear Power Plants in War
June 20, 2023

After Russia’s unprecedented seizure of Ukraine’s nuclear plant at Zaporizhzhya, the United States needs to adjust its military planning and policies to cope with hostile military forces’ targeting, seizure, and garrisoning of armed forces at large, opera

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-11 – Mr. Bert B. Tussing, Dr. John Eric Powell, and COL Benjamin C. Leitzel – “Contested Deployment"
June 20, 2023

Early in academic year 2018, a group of US Army War College faculty and students came together in pursuit of an integrated research project devoted to an examination of contested deployment and the growing realization the US homeland can no longer be cons

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 2-29 – COL Everett Spain, Dr. Gautam Mukunda, and COL Archie Bates – “The Battalion Commander Effect”
June 15, 2023

Statistical evidence suggests that Army battalion commanders are significant determinants of the retention of their lieutenants—especially high-potential lieutenants. Further, this so-called Battalion Commander Effect should be included in brigadier gener

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 2-28 – COL Wade A. Germann and Dr. Heather S. Gregg – “Assessing Risk at the National Strategic Level- Visualization Tools for Military Planners”
June 15, 2023

The reemergence of great power competition, conflict with near-peer competitor states below the level of armed conflict, and persisting threats from nonstate actors with transnational ambitions and global reach pose challenges for strategists planning, ex

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 2-27 – Michael W. Wissemann – Great (Soft) Power Competition- US and Chinese Efforts in Global Health Engagement
June 15, 2023

Global health engagement, an underutilized strategy rooted in the strengths of soft power persuasion, can lead to more military-to-military cooperation training, help establish relationships that can be relied on when crises develop, stabilize fragile sta