Decisive Point Podcast

Decisive Point Podcast

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Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-08 – LTC Andrea M. Peters, LTC Michael A. Washington, LTC Lolita Burrell, and COL James Ness – “Rethinking Female Urinary Devices for the US Army”
June 05, 2023

As women assume more combat roles in the US military and continue to operate in austere environments with varied mission sets, the Department of Defense must rethink its approach to equipment and uniform development to accommodate female anatomical differ

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-09 – COL Gerald J. Krieger – “Water Wars of the Future – Myth or Reality”
June 05, 2023

his article provides background and context for regional trends and historic agreements focused on the Nile River Basin, offers a comprehensive assessment of security challenges, and presents focus areas for future investment and cooperation. The policy r

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-10 – Dr. Jason Healey – “A Bizarre Pair – Counterinsurgency Lessons for Cyber Conflict”
June 05, 2023

The lessons of counterinsurgency have deeper implications for cyber conflict than previous research has identified. Two decades of experience in Iraq and Afghanistan provide insights into the cyber strategy of defending forward including treating major cy

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-10 – Mr. Jody Prescott – “Gender Blindness in US Doctrine”
December 20, 2020

US military Joint and Army civil affairs doctrine have failed to consider the operational relevance of gender, posing a risk to mission accomplishment and force protection. A comparison of NATO and Australian Defence Force doctrine reveals gender consider

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-09 – Dr. Tim Hoyt and Pamela M. Holtz – “Challenging Prevailing Models of US Army Suicide”
December 15, 2020

Statistics behind reported suicide rates in the military are often insufficiently analyzed and portray a distorted picture of reality. Several models for identifying individuals at risk for suicide have been proposed but few show adequate predictive power

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-08 – Michael J. Eisenstadt and Kenneth M. Pollack – “Training Better Arab Armies”
December 15, 2020

US security force assistance missions to Arab partner states have had limited success, due in part to a tendency to impose American doctrine, which embodies American cultural values and norms, on Arab armed forces. Accordingly, US security force assistanc

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-07 – Douglas W. Bristol Jr. – “Two Worlds - African American Servicemembers, WWII and Today”
September 25, 2020

The theory of social stigma provides a context for the subjective experience of African American servicemembers in World War II. Those experiences reveal the paradox the military faces when addressing racial discrimination. An examination of these experie

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-06 – Audrey Kurth Cronin – “Technology and Strategic Surprise - Adapting to an Era of Open Innovation”
September 23, 2020

Technological revolutions affecting state power are either open or closed. The precursor to the digital age is not the twentieth century, with state-controlled programs yielding nuclear weapons, but the late nineteenth century, when tinkerers invented the

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-05 – Nina Jankowicz and Henry Collis – “Enduring Information Vigilance - Government after COVID-19”
September 21, 2020

The framework of Enduring Information Vigilance will help ally and partner governments deny advantages adversaries gain through their use of information operations in our new global perpetual information environment. This approach recognizes the persisten

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 1-04 – Jacqueline Deal – “Disintegrating the Enemy - The PLA’s Info-Messaging”
September 14, 2020

The DoD can exploit weaknesses in Chinese military attempts at political warfare, or “enemy disintegration,” most recently observed in PLA media on the subject of the pandemic. Targeted information efforts will signal the United States’ refusal to be inti