Decisive Point Podcast

Decisive Point Podcast

Latest Episodes

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-8 – MG Brian N. Wolford, COL Marvin Haynes, COL James “Cowboy” Landreth, COL Eric Hartunian, and COL Rich Butler – “Recognizing the Increasing Importance of the US-ROK Alliance”
May 30, 2024

The essay this podcast episode is based on sets the stage for the Strategic Studies Institutes research on the growing importance of South Korea to the US alliance system and security objectives across the Indo-Pacific region, provides reasons why South

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-7 – Eric A. Heinze – “International Law, Self-Defense, and the Israel-Hamas Conflict”
May 23, 2024

This podcast examines the international law of self-defense as it applies to the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict to determine whether the October 2023 attacks by Hamas against Israel can be interpreted under Article 51 of the UN Charter as an “armed attack”

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-6 – Sheena Chestnut Greitens – China’s Use of Nontraditional Strategic Landpower in Asia
May 09, 2024

This article argues that the People’s Republic of China uses its police and internal security forces as a nontraditional means of projecting strategic Landpower in the Indo-Pacific and Central Asia. Instead of limiting analysis of China’s power projection

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-5 – Andrew Payne – The Politics of Restraint in the Middle East
May 02, 2024

Domestic constraints make it difficult for the United States to pursue a coherent program of restraint in the Middle East. As events in Gaza revive debates about the appropriate size and scope of the military footprint in the region, this article shows th

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 3-12 – McKay, Dr. Breede, Dizboni, and Jolicoeur – Developing Strategic Lieutenants in the Canadian Army
May 02, 2024

The podcast discusses their Parameters article exploring differences between Canadian military and American military colleges. This series shows how domestic context creates the conditions for professional military education reform to a greater extent tha

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-4 – Jeffrey H. Michaels – Rethinking the Relevance of Self-Deterrence
April 24, 2024

Self-deterrence is critically understudied in deterrence theory. Similarly, deterrence practitioners prefer to focus on adversaries’ threats rather than seeking to account for the full scope of fears influencing the decision calculus of policymakers. Thro

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-3 – Andrew Carr – Strategy as Problem-Solving
April 09, 2024

This article proposes a new definition of strategy as problem-solving that challenges the focus on goals and assumptions of order within many post–Cold War approaches to strategy. It argues that the military needs strategy to diagnose the complex problems

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-2 – David J. Katz – “Toward a Strategic Art for Sanctions”
April 02, 2024

New strategic art is required to maneuver political economies to meet the demands of future engagements and campaigns. Current discussions of the projection of political-economic power are typically abstract, high-level, and policy-focused or present sing

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 5-1 – Rebecca W. Jensen and Anthony L. Tingle – “Ukraine: The Case for Urgency”
March 27, 2024

If the United States and its allies seek to deny Vladimir Putin an objective victory in the Russia-Ukraine War, they must commit to providing sufficient aid to the Ukrainian army soon because the window of opportunity to provide sufficient resources is na

Decisive Point Podcast – Ep 4-32 – Zachary E. Griffiths – “Are Retired Flag Officers Overparticipating in the Political Process?”
March 12, 2024

Retired United States general and flag officers participate politically as individuals and in groups. Purportedly, participation damages civil-military relations. This article argues these activities, including but not limited to endorsements of candidate