Glimmers & Glows

Glimmers & Glows

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To Love Life, To Love It (Even When You Have No Stomach For It)
June 15, 2021

When we are suffering with thoughts, feelings, body sensations, experiences, or memories, it can sometimes be useful to chart the journey of others who have struggled in similar ways.The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who I came to quite late in my read

The Power of Now Therapy
December 13, 2020

So I finally got around to reading The Power of Now. I had studiously avoided the text since it’s publication in 1999. I think because a part of me had made certain assumptions about this book. Let’s call that part of my mind The Intellectual Snob. The In

My SPLGE-R sign off (explained)
December 12, 2020

For many, many years now, I have signed off all my emails to the people I care about with the word “warmly”. I can’t remember where I picked this up from. It was not my own invention. But at some point, I must have received an email from someone with a “w

Safer In Numbers
August 01, 2020

Therapists, sex work, solipsism. --- Send in a voice message:

Society Outside
July 31, 2020

Humans as plants - on a 12/12 phasic light-cycle. --- Send in a voice message:

July 31, 2020

John Cage. Silence. --- Send in a voice message:

This Countryside Right Here
July 18, 2020

The solace of perspective. “Burning” CDs in the 90s. --- Send in a voice message:

The Ideal Listener
July 18, 2020

Are you my ideal listener? Am I your ideal speaker? Or maybe it's the other way around?  If you ever find out: --- Send in a voice message:

This Very Simple Swing
July 18, 2020

I admire a very simple swing. I then swing on the very simple swing and get more than I bargained for. --- Send in a voice message:

Because I Drew Him Out Of The Water
July 18, 2020

1. A man of the house of Levi went and took a daughter of Levi as his wife. 2 The woman conceived, and bore a son. When she saw that he was a fine child, she hid him three months. 3 When she could no longer hide him, she took a papyrus basket for him, and