Sidebar Saturdays

Sidebar Saturdays

Latest Episodes

Intro to Solo Practitioners’ Wellness Series
September 23, 2023

For all you attorney solo practitioners, tune in and learn about my new special solo practitioners attorney wellness podcast series.

Sidebar Saturdays (Trailer)
September 19, 2021

September 16, 2021

Tune in and learn about my journey filled with positive changes this past year. Learn how I seized opportunities and made dreams, goals, and visions a reality even amid crisis. What goals, visions, and dreams do you have? What action plan can you create a

4 Steps to Better Manage Stress
October 16, 2020

As a teaser to my webinar/CLE, In the Pursuit of Calm: Stress Management for Attorneys, I briefly discuss 4 steps to better manage stress.

Work/Life Integration Strategies for Attorneys
September 26, 2020

As attorneys, it’s hard to turn off our work life when we get home when our clients’ freedom, interests, families, money, etc are at stake. In this episode, I provide tips on how to develop a Work/Life Integration Strategy where you can enjoy more of your

Counsel, Take Control of Your Well-Being!
September 19, 2020

These podcast segments were originally featured in A Bittersweet Symphony: My Attorney Wellness Journey. In this podcast, learn about the statistics and importance of attorney wellness. I explain the six dimensions of lawyer well being, the wheel of life,

20 Minutes to a Less Stressed Work Day and Home Life
September 19, 2020

Explore how a 20-minute exercise broken into 5-minute intervals can help you be more productive at work and reduce stress so you can enjoy your personal/home life after work.

The Parents’ Guide to Enforcing the Schoolhouse Rules for Remote Learning
August 28, 2020

This episode is perfect for any parent who has a child learning remotely. Special co-host Janis McDavid from Ms. Janis Music is an educator with 20 years' experience, and she has taught remotely during Covid. She provides a teacher's perspective and tidbi

Work/Life Blurred: Creating Boundaries When Working from Home
August 28, 2020

With Covid, your home that was once your retreat and resting place has turned into a multi-space facility housing work spaces, home spaces, school spaces, and everything else needed while staying at home. So, how do you define the lines between work life

Under Pressure: Why Attorneys are so Stressed?
August 07, 2020

Stressed out, Counsel? As a teaser to Esquire Wellness's In Pursuit of Calm: Stess Management for Attorneys webinar/CLE, this podcast explores the unique reasons why the legal profession has one of the highest rates of stress, anxiety, and burnout. Unders