Evangelism In A Post-COVID World

Evangelism In A Post-COVID World

Latest Episodes

Virtual Happy Hour
October 08, 2020

Sam Chan offers smart ways to connect online so that personal evangelism keeps going even when we can't meet personally.

Community that survives despite Zoom
October 01, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the way small groups are done - opening us up to members who might be just screens on a table.

When Church Is Only One Click Away
September 24, 2020

COVID-19 has changed the way church is done. So, how can we make the most of online services?

Sound Trumps
September 17, 2020

You're in the business of putting great Gospel resources online, and bad sound is the one thing your audience will not tolerate.

Get Rid of the 'Dad Jeans'
September 10, 2020

What you're wearing on camera might be coming between your viewers and the Gospel, so listen in to get your wardrobe sorted.

Get Rid of the Book Shelf
September 03, 2020

You don't need a better lectern now, you need a studio. How can you turn what you have into an effective creative space?

Newsreader, lecturer or YouTuber?
August 27, 2020

Who you present yourself to be on camera affects the way people receive you - and the way they treat your Gospel message.

Stop Looking At Your Own Face
August 20, 2020

COVID-19 has not only changed what we might say to people who haven't heard the Gospel, but how we go about saying it. Today's pulpit happens to be a screen.

It's OK to not be OK
August 13, 2020

Are you tired of putting up a brave face? Is there more to acceptance than just asserting who I am?

Tell A Better Story
August 06, 2020

Evangelist and author Sam Chan says we only have two stories to choose from when it comes to talking to people about a life ruled by COVID anxieties.